Monday 10 December 2012

EPQ Lesson - Critical Analysis of Progress 10.12.12

In today's lesson we looked at how far we were in our project and if we were on track or not and what actions we were going to take as a result of today's lesson.

We filled in the 'Critical Evaluation of Progress' worksheet in pairs or groups of three. I was paired with Sam for the first section and we dicussed the pros and cons of my Plan.
Pros: *Precise dates.
         *Updated plan when a task was completed.
         *Udated plan if I couldn't complete a task and moved it to another day.
         *Organised tasks around my free time.
         *Monitored my progress through my plan.

Cons:*I need to complete my plan for Jan, Feb, and March
         *As it is electronic it is hard to access my plan if I haven't got a computer available.
         *How will it look when I print it out to hand in, will the comments be viewble?
         *I need to elaborate on my comments.

We also looked at our SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats).
Strengths: *A clear set idea
                 *An original Idea

Weaknesses: *Very little primary research apart from the Surveys that Iplan to do on the final images I produce

Opportunities: I couldn't think of any opportunities that I could take advantage of apart from maybe asking my Mum about the gothic styling as she was a Goth in the 1980's

Threats: *I may have to spend money on getting some equipment or clothing that I need.

Finally we looked at if the progress we had made so far had fulfilled the requirements for AO1 and AO2.

AO1: *Clear topic and objective.
                   *Clear plan stating when things will be completed.
                   *Monotoring progress on the plan.
        Need to do: *Write down aims and objectives clearly so that they remain constant. 
Likely to score 7/10

AO2: *Books and internet sources used
        Need to do: *Need to make sure I reference the sources used correctly.
                           * Could look at including more primary research
Likely to score 6/10

I then wrote the following on the actions I will take as a result of these discussions:

I intend to print off my plan and research so that it is more accesable. I need to write down my aims and objectives so that they wil remain constant. I need to complete my plan for January, February and March; I also need to stop putting things off and just do them.

My supervisor feed back was as follows:

Excellent advice! I agree that it's now really time to get moving. these are all clear and specific objectives that will help you to improve your project.

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