Thursday 15 November 2012

Punk 14/11/12

Punk formed around 1970 as a rebellion against the popular music of the time.... Punk was setting out to shock people by behaving and dressing in a way that had never been seen before and was planned to provoke a response.

Make Up
Having watched video footage from the 1970's of real Punks, I have observed that all though the males look quite 'scruffy' whilst the majority of the females took a lot of time and made an effort with their make up. A lot of darker colours and harsh lines are used, many black or brown shades used for blush and lipstick; although there are splashes of red, purples or blues.
  I plan to use harsh red and black for eyeshadow, in a sharp point similar to what is shown in DelyrisPhoto's video (Source 1 below).
  I also want to cover my eyebrows as many Pinks acctually shaved them off to create more dramatic loks by playing around with eyebrow shapes. To do this i used the second part of Petrilude's tutorial (source 2)    


Make Up Sources
1) DelyriaPhoto's video 'Extreme gothic look tutorial by Delyria' available here -

2) Petrilude's video 'Covering Eye Brows (2 ways)' available here - 

clipsandfootage's video '1970s Kings Road Punks in London' available here -

clipsandfootage's video 'London Punks 1977-1980' -

CaptainZipVideoTrip's video playlist 'My punk films' -

Make Up Tests


  I started by covering my eyebrows using 'Spirit Gum' and eyebrow wax, them powdering over the top. I drew on harsh black eyebrows using a black eye pencil to give a 'moody' emotion to the face. 
  For the eye make up I started by creating the outline of my desired shape with a red lip pencil and filled in that shape with the pencil; I then applied red eye shadow on top to seal the colour. I out lined the red with a black eye pencil and added shading with black eye shadow around the outer edges and in the eye crease. I then lined my eyes with black eye pencil and extended the line from my tear duct onto my nose, I also lined the bottom lash and extended the line from my tear duct onto my nose again. I applied black mascara on my bottom and top lashes, but not too much so that it looks overly girly. 
   For my lips I lined them with the black eye pencil, exaggerating my cupids bow into a point and adding a point going downwards in the centre of my bottom lip, I then applied black lipstick over the top.
   I  contoured my cheekbones using brown eye shadow and black eye shadow to add definition to the face to add to the surly look.  

On reflection I didn't successfully cover my eyebrows as they are still visible, to overcome this I will have to use more concealer and powder to cover up the colour of my eyebrows. 
A part of me thinks that I should try to neaten up the eye make up next time but the Punk look wasn't about being neat and tidy so it doesn't matter if it's messy. 
  Overall I was happy with this look and after making the adjustments stated the look will be my final one for the photo shoot.

 Final Image

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