Friday 9 November 2012


Welcome to my Blog. I am keeping this as a way to document and keep my research in one place for my Extended Project Qualification.
My EPQ title is: Exploring Cliques and Subcultures in Photography Through Self Portraiture. 
I plan to research into photographers of cliques and also photographers that use self portraiture. I also plan to research into the cliques and identify their fashion and life style. I will then take self portraits of myself in the clique's style and analyse my photography technique and loyalty to the subcultures style. I will also send out a questionaire to a sample of 17-18 year old students at college to see if I have communicated the sub-culture to them correctly.
The subcultures i will represent are;  
  • Goth
  • Pin-up/1950's Girl
  • Rave Girl
  • Punk
  • Living Doll
  • Mod/1960's girl
  • Mean Girl/Plastic

When I create my survey i also plan to include a definition as i have found that some people although very familiar with subcultures didn't actually know that they were 'subcultures'.


A cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture

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